Well, Trent has been gone about a week and a half now and I am soooo ready for him to come home. Have to make it till Saturday. I have been pretty busy in the meantime though. Not busy enough to not miss him or to not feel lonely, but busy nonetheless.
Last Monday-painted the dining room (yes, for those of you keeping track, that was the second time. It is much better now)
Tuesday-work and Financial Peace University class (more on that later...maybe)
Wednesday-work and Sound of Music and spaghetti with MK
Thursday-work and roller skating with the youth group
Friday-Sunday - went to Winnsboro for some R&R with the in-laws and lots of nephew smooches. We all trekked down to Athens on Saturday and visited Trent for a few hours in between his two camps.
This is a picture of a picture, but it is a total WINNER:
I showed it to Aunt Delicious and she said it looks like he will start talking about the deficit at any time...
I actually swung back by the camp on my way home Sunday and got to spend another hour with Trent since the kids didn't get there until about 4. We walked around the lake to the big cross, then sat on a bench in the shade and stared at the lake and talked. It filled up my tank again to get me through this week, I think...
Monday- chosen for jury duty! Then went to bed at 8:00 a) because I was still tired from staying up till midnight talking with my mother in law on Saturday and b) jury duty is exhausting!
Today-more jury duty then FPU class.
Tomorrow-work and youth group at Kiddie Land
Thursday-Friday - my world travelling, brown as a bean, just back from Brazil sister is coming to visit me!
Saturday-MY HUSBAND RETURNS TO ME!!!!!!! We have scheduled a nap date then a real date.
Now, I must go to sleep so I can gear up for more jury duty in the morning. Goodnight.
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