Monday, March 2, 2015

And Then There Are Days When CPS Takes Over

Last night...

Me: I laid out clothes for them. Can you put those on them in the morning for their visit?  And try to scrunch her hair so it's not so crazy?
Trent: I love you and how much you...
Me: much I freak out about parent visits?
Trent: No, how much you care.  You want the kids to be cute for their mom.  You put together even cuter outfits for the bag for her to change them into.   You care.

Mid day...

Trent:  He threw a fit when I was putting him in the car after the visit, worse than I've seen in a long time.  One of his different, sad fits.  She was just staring at nothing and not really moving.

Mid afternoon...

Kids' attorney: I'd like to come visit the kids at y'all's house tonight. I'll be there about 7:00.

Most of the time, we are able to just rock along as pretty much regular parents, now that our CPS case is just waiting out some formalities before it can turn to adoption.  We don't hear from our social workers much other than their monthly trips to our house.  Parent visits scaled back to monthly in December so those are seldom and somewhat more of an event than when they were weekly and part of our norm.   We're getting a taste of plain ole regular parenting.

And then there are days when CPS takes over.  Like today.  CPS was on the brain, the CPS office was visited, the aftermath of said visit was dealt with, the extended evening aftermath was wondered about and turned out very mild, texts were sent between us and the kids' caseworker, a phone call was had between me and our social worker, the kids' attorney suddenly announced he was coming by with only three hours' notice.

And suddenly we're back in hardcore CPS land.  Where things are tough, our kids struggle, stuff happens last minute, we have to roll with the punches and do what we're told.

We're really close to being regular parents.  But we're not quite there yet...


  1. I can relate to this post so much. Some days it feels like we are "normal" then other days, I feel like CPS is ALL UP IN OUR BUSINESS in every moment! It is hard thing, but it is a beautiful thing because we are able to care for these great kids!

    1. Sometimes I want to holler "Go away and leave us alone!" but.....we can't really do that. They have to be involved and I know that. We signed up for this of course. Still tricky sometimes.
