I don't think I said anything, I just turned the phone around for Trent to see. Celebration ensued. I called my parents and it was while I was on the phone with my Mom that it really hit me. I'm done. No more studying, no more putting off and skipping out on things I want to do, no more worrying, no more waiting. I'm a CPA (pending some paperwork of course). Finally. I started crying, I was so relieved. Then crying turned back into giddiness and I proceeded to pick out a cute outfit for my "CPA Day" at work. Then I got in the shower which had been running for about half an hour...oops. There was much excitement from my coworkers, most of whom have been through this whole process already and own those special three letters. A group of us went to lunch then had cake at the office in the breakroom. The cookie cake said "Yay Anna!" which I just loved for some reason. :-) Amidst all the excitement, getting paperwork together for my bonus and a short power outage due to a crazy rain storm, I didn't get a whole lot of work done today... but hopefully management will understand and ignore my nonchargeability for the day. Not gonna lie, it was kind of fun to enter "celebrating and distracted because I passed my last section of the CPA exam" as my time entry description for my nonchargeable time this morning. Haha.
Anna Futral, CPA
The Conovers are so proud of you. You had a plan, worked very hard, and got the greatest results. Go and celebrate!