Sunday, September 23, 2012

Rose Jar #3

You may remember from my last post that Trent gave me some beautiful red roses as part of our first scheduled weekly date night a few weeks ago.  

As is my habit now when I get flowers from my wonderful husband, I set them up to dry in my craft room when they started to get a little sad, in order to make a rose jar out of them, like my first and second rose jars.

In the meantime, I made a trip to Hobby Lobby and toodled around for almost an hour gathering supplies for this third rose jar, as well as many other little things that I just had to have.  I'm a believer than random strolling through stores such as Hobby Lobby is good for the crafty soul, but maybe not for the crafty wallet... Included in this assortment of "must" haves was a pack of little labels that I intended to add to my past rose jars as a reminder of the when and why of the original flowers.

But back to the rose jar at hand.  I decided to go for a different look than the mason jars I had already used for the others.  So I got a squatty round jar for a couple bucks at HobbLobb.

After some clipping and poking and placing and putzing about with how I wanted to use yarn or ribbon, it was done.

To get the yarn to frame both sides of the jar, I just criss-crossed it underneath like you would when putting ribbon on a gift, but wiggled it a bit off center so that yarn wasn't cutting through the view of the two roses from the front.

Here's the back of the jar and the back of the tag.

Top.  Just a floppy bow.

And then there were three!

I realized that since I keep these in my craft room and I keep my craft room door closed most of the time so that our crazy dog isn't able to make a snack out of a project-in-progress, nobody ever gets to see these jars!  So I set about finding new homes for at least two of them.  After taking pictures of this new one on our hallway shelf, I decided I liked the looks of it there.

And, as if there wasn't already enough sentimental stuff on our living room shelves, I added rose jar #2 there to go with the pink picture frame of me and my girls.

So there you have it, the story of rose jar #3.  And now if you come to our house you can actually see them displayed!

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