Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Takeaways And Tidbits Lately

"You know, I think this is what we're supposed to look like when we stand before Jesus.  I don't think we're supposed to show up in glory with time to spare, a fresh manicure, and perfect hair.  I think if we're really living the gospel, we're going to fall at His feet exhausted and messy, with mismatched socks, just plumb worn out from loving people as hard as we can!"

Overextended...And Loving Most Of It: The Unexpected Joy of Being Harried, Heartbroken and Hurling Oneself Off Cliffs by Lisa Harper


"Sometimes obedience isn't for us at all, but for another.  We don't know how God holds the kingdom in balance or why He moves a chess piece at a crucial time; we might never see the results of his sovereignty.  But we can trust Him when he says press on, cling to hope, stay the course.  He is always at work, even if the entire thread is hidden.  I might just be one shade of one color of one strand, but I'm a part of an elaborate tapestry that goes beyond my perception."

7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker


"If you need any baby stuff, let me know."
"We're cleaning out the garage and set aside a bunch of kid stuff for you. Come over and take anything you want."
"I have some bags of toddler clothes for you."
"I've got a twin box spring, frame and headboard, just not the mattress. But you are welcome to those things if you want them."

Some of the wonderful people in our life lately


Me: Rachel said we could have one of her cribs.
Trent: Does she want to give away both of her cribs?
Me: Maybe, but we probably don't need two cribs.
Trent: We might need two cribs...
Me: You're right...we might...

Crazy realizations of just what an unknown road we are headed down


Me: I kind of want the little Nook reader...
Trent: Super! Let's do it.
Me: I mean, it's not terribly expensive I guess...
Trent:  Yeah it's not bad, let's do it.
Me: Maybe you could find it cheaper on Ebay...
Trent: Yep look, here's one new for only $40, let's do it.
Me: Oh, it can wait and be on my Christmas list...
Trent:  You never buy anything for yourself, let's get the silly thing!
Me: Ok I'll see if it fits in the budget for this paycheck...

Dynamics of a financial nerd living with a tech nerd

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