Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Create Your Own Getaway aka We Bought A Tent

Trent and I like to go on weekend getaways when we can and when we get away we like to do pretty much...nothing.   We have discovered over the course of our marriage that hotels and B&Bs can be flippin expensive, not to mention gas to get there and restaurants while you are there.   Camping with the youth group at Bastrop State Park earlier this month on the mission trip sparked the idea in Trent to ask me what I thought about camping.  Funny how in 2 years and 7.5 months of dating and 4 years of marriage that had never come up.  I informed him that, though I'm not a f'real adventure girl, I'm cool with camping, provided there are actual potties.    We realized it would be a fun, cheap way to create out own getaways from time to time.  Trent also wants to create his own spiritual retreats sometimes.

So...we bought a tent.   And Trent proceeded to put it up in our den the instant we got home.  Of course.

He refused to let me help put it up because he wanted to make sure he could do it all by himself for the times that he'll pack the tent, a bed roll, and a coffee percolator (priorities) on the back of his motorcycle to mosey off for a solo retreat.  

I did test it out though.

Oh, and see that lump in the tent floor next to me in the picture above?  Yeah, that was my cat baby...

No, we did not build the tent on top of her.  She crawled under there to explore and we had trouble getting her out!

So, after the one time tent purchase of $50, how's this for a cheap getaway?  

Park entrance fee: ~$4
Camp site fee: ~$12
Gas to get to several parks around here: not much
Hot dogs, PBJ and coffee: ~$10
A chance to have some new adventures together that won't break the bank:  Priceless

Ok, ok sorry, I'm sure you saw that coming.  But seriously, this is gonna make some great memories for not much money!

1 comment:

  1. I have an almost identical photo of me inside of our tent after J and I purchased it 11 years ago!

    Have fun with it!
